ClickBank Affiliate Master Copyright Terms and Conditions

This Website is Copyrighted to John Thornhill & Dave Nicholson
In order to use this website you must agree to the following terms and conditions:

⦿ This website and all of its contents is copyrighted and is not for resale or distribution in any way. This includes all images, scripts and web pages. Therefore you must not distribute any part of the website.

⦿ This website is for your own personal use only and carries a multi user license. This means you are allowed to install the script on multiple websites, as long as you are the owner of all the websites.

⦿ You may not attempt to edit the source code, reverse engineer or duplicate the website in any way.

⦿ You may only edit the website via the Admin Panel supplied.

This website has been encrypted and tagged with a digital footprint so we are able to keep track of any illegal copies, anyone found selling any part of the ClickBank Affiliate Master website or the Admin Panel as their own will face serious legal action.

These terms and conditions are here to protect your own interests.

Thank you.
John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson.